Chui pledges to prioritize economic diversification

Chui Sai On

Chui Sai On

Chief Executive Chui Sai On has pledged to make economic diversification a priority in order to encourage the development of small and medium-sized enterprises while maintaining stability in the local job market.
Diversifying Macau’s economy will require further involvement in the country’s Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiatives, as well as improving cooperation with other regions.
Mr Chui was speaking on the sidelines of his three-day visit to Beijing, where he attended the large military parade to commemorate the 70th anniversary of China’s victory over Japan in World War II.
He reiterated the administration’s commitment to streamlining spending without compromising the livelihood of the people, welfare and social security.
Mr Chui stated that the government had stable financial reserves and was confident that a fiscal balance or surplus this year would be achieved. He added that the authorities would closely monitor the economic environment, paying greater attention to September revenues and determining whether to launch further measures to control public spending.
According to a press release, Mr Chui said that Wednesday’s parade was, “exciting and the commemorative events showed the country’s policy of peace, love, and honoring the martyrs.”
He further revealed that the local government will launch a campaign to promote tourism in Macau to attract more visitors, looking to increase the 31.5 million tourists recorded earlier this year. CP

ce meets with who head

Chui Sai On met with World Health Organization (WHO) director-general Margaret Chan during his stay in Beijing to discuss bilateral efforts to advance local Chinese medicine in the future. Chan pledged to nurture local talent in public healthcare, in response to the government’s ongoing efforts to develop the field of traditional Chinese medicine. The Chief Executive also promised to promote the modernization and internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine as part of Beijing’s “one belt, one road” initiative to encourage regional cooperation. Both recognized in their dialogue that the region’s WHO cooperation center, which was launched last month, could serve as a platform for other WHO members to jointly combat diseases that continue to plague the global population in the 21st century.

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