CRIME ‘| Psychotic’ husband chief suspect in Tuesday’s homicide

The judiciary Police (PJ), who are conducting ongoing investigations into the case of a woman who was found strangled in her home close to the Camoes Garden on Tuesday morning, have indicated that the deceased’s mentally unstable husband committed the murder.
The 68-year-old local suspect, surnamed Chu, allegedly wound the strap of a handbag around the victim’s neck while she was in a deep sleep. It has been verified that the alleged murderer suffers from a chronic depressive disorder, according to PJ spokeswoman Yeung Sau Chan.
Chu notified his two daughters and elder brother after the killing, and allowed them to enter his locked residency in which the victim, a 60-year-old housewife, was found lying on a carpet by the TV set at the time of the family members’ arrival.
It still remains unclear whether the murder took place in the dining room, where the body was discovered, Yeung said. The suspect, who was taken to the PJ headquarters from his Edificio Fu I apartment near Camoes Garden on the afternoon of the homicide, appeared to be “mentally abnormal” during the inquiry.
He was subsequently taken to the public hospital for checkups. His medical records revealed that he had failed to show up for post-psychiatric examinations after he was diagnosed
with an anxiety disorder in June 2008.
Three months ago the suspect again sought medical treatment in the presence of his family at the same hospital due to increased concerns about his mental stability. He was then referred to the psychiatric department in July. An examination conducted last month confirmed his clinical depression.
Yeung noted that the suspect’s unstable psychological state since Tuesday has made investigation more difficult for the authorities. He is currently being held in an “appropriate venue” under medical observation. AU

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