CE highlights room for improvement in building restoration

The Chief Executive has acknowledged that there is room for improvement in building renovation works. In his online column “Words from the Chief Executive,” Chui Sai On said that the government would be stepping up its efforts to speed up revamp works, aiming to learn from other regions’ experiences and experts’ opinions.
Preserving Macau’s cultural heritage is one of the government’s responsibilities and missions, Chui Sai On stressed. The CE said that the government would step up efforts to promote the value of cultural heritage preservation to different generations.
Mr Chui said he was pleased to learn that citizens are expressing more enthusiasm toward heritage conservation than when Macau’s historic center was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site ten years ago.
Since then, the local government has made an effort to better protect cultural heritage, and perfect the Cultural Heritage Protection Law.
Mr Chui reviewed the UNESCO World Heritage application, which was submitted while he was serving as the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, and recalled that the successful inscription of Macau’s historic center in UNESCO’s list would not have been possible without the support from the central government, as well as from the mainland and input from overseas experts.
“Words from the Chief Executive” is a new online platform through which Macau’s leader shares his thoughts on society, the economy and livelihood matters.

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