CURB exhibits local architects’ proposals for the Lakes area


The Architects Association of Macau (AAM) and CURB Center for Architecture and Urbanism are currently presenting the AAM Architectural Design Competition 2015 expo.
The exhibition features a total of 14 projects, which include all of the works submitted for the competition alongside the winning projects, showcasing architectural visions for the waterside and the surrounding enhancement of the Nam Van and Sai Van Lakes.
In his opening speech, the Director of CURB, the Architect and Urban Planner Nuno Soares, expressed his happiness that “AAM is taking the lead in promoting architectural design competitions in Macau”, which, according to him, “are a crucial method to promoting the discussion and excellence of architecture and urban fields in Macau.” These are considered the main goals of the exhibition.
The exhibited works show different strategies, design solutions and architectural shapes that can lead the audience to visualize the future, providing appropriate suggestions for what can be done. Highlighting the fact that all the works displayed were undertaken entirely by Macau based architects, Mr Soares said, “We are proving that local architects are committed and interested, and participate when these opportunities arise”.
Johnathan Wong, AAM’s President expressed his joy at the “very high quality of entries this year, showing a good improvement from the previous competition held two years ago.” Mr Wong also revealed that the association is in negotiations with government officials and departments in order to make this competition annual”. The exhibition is currently held every two years.
6I0A9503It is important to note that representatives from several government departments including the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau (DSSOPT), the Macao Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), and the Civic And Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) participated actively as jury members, getting to know the proposals in detail.
“Although the purpose is not to find a solution to be actually built but to investigate ideas instead, these projects can show clearly what architects think about the city and its spaces and also their expectations for the improvement of these locations,” said Nuno Soares, adding that, “We are now building a ‘critical mass’ around architecture and urbanism in Macau.” He also confirmed his belief that an architecture course in Macau will eventually be created at the University of Saint Joseph, causing “more significant developments in the near future because we are talking about architecture students, soon-to-be architects, that are mostly locals and studying locally, people that know the local culture and have knowledge of the whole city that differs from those from abroad or have studied abroad”.
Alice Lu, one of the winners, explained her top prize-winning work: “With the title ‘Tie the Knot’ this project underlines the idea of tying the lakes together, connecting them in a way that they could be used more as recreational space for public, tourists and especially for families.” The concept, presented by the local architect, is based on the elimination of the barrier created by the Dr Stanley Ho Avenue that separates Nam Van from Sai Van Lake, “sinking the road to the basement level and reclaiming the ground level for the people to move freely among the two lakes”. This would combine a more dynamic and energetic area with a mix of possibilities and activities for all (the Nam Van side), with a more leisurely and calm area (the Sai Vai side).
One must also note that all projects submitted were not aimed to be disruptive but instead needed to respect the original idea of Manuel Vicente, the architect who started to draw the main lines of this area in the early 1980s.
The exhibition began last Monday and will be on display until November 2 on Ponte 9.  RM

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