Six students sexually abused in military training camp

An instructor at a military camp in Coloane allegedly abused six students from local schools aged 12 to 14 years old. The students, all males, were participating in a three-day program at the training camp. The abuses allegedly occurred on the first night of their stay at the Flying Eagles program on October 30.
According to the Judiciary Police (PJ), the instructor, who has worked for the association since June, is a mainland citizen and is working in Macau as a non-resident worker. He has already admitted to the crimes and the PJ is investigating to check if there are any more victims.
“The association has to guarantee the qualification of their instructors and other staff members, but it is normal that, when considering individual behavior, each person is responsible for their own actions,” said the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) Director Leong Lai.
For the time being, both the association’s activities and its financing from DSEJ have been suspended. Flying Eagles was also given a ten-day period to deliver a detailed report about the incident. Only after that, DSEJ will decide if the activities can resume.  RM

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