Briefs | GGCT monitors Kagoshima earthquake

The Tourism Crisis Management Office (GGCT) has issued a statement saying that it is paying close attention to the earthquake that occurred on Saturday morning in Kagoshima, Japan. The office says that it is maintaining close contact with the Macau travel industry for further developments, but there has so far been no indication that any Macau tour groups have been affected.  The earthquake was reported to have occurred in the sea, 159 kilometers south-west of Makurazaki, near Kagoshima. GGDT reports that, as of Saturday, the office has received one request for information.

Two cleaners deemed responsible for patient data breach

The Health Bureau has dismissed two of its cleaners following last month’s patient information leak where classified documents were found lying across the Av. do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues. It was initially suggested that a total of six full-time assistants working at the Hospital Conde S. Januário’s laboratory center were subject to the month-long inquiry for not following official guidelines in processing waste. The dismissal was supported by the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Alexis Tam. No management-level officials took responsibility for the episode.

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