Former university admissions officer on trial for bribe taking

2011102510574805601A former admissions officer at a top Chinese university stood trial yesterday in the eastern city of Nanjing for taking USD3.6 million in bribes.
The Nanjing Intermediate People’s Court announced the trial against Cai Rongsheng, the former admissions head at Renmin University in Beijing, but the panel was not immediately available yesterday to offer updates.
Prosecutors alleged that Cai took the money in exchange for helping 44 students get admitted into the university or have their majors adjusted. State media said one beneficiary was the daughter of a Hong Kong businessman.
The trial was being held in the neutral venue of Nanjing to avoid possible interference.
It was part of a crackdown by authorities on corruption in higher education and a broader campaign to fight graft in all public sectors.
Earlier this week, the Education Ministry announced the removal of Wang Cizhao as the head of the Central Conservatory of Music after he was accused of using his position to get discounted services for his daughter’s lavish wedding.
Yang Fangchun, vice president of the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, was fired after some university employees siphoned off $440,000 from public funds into a secret stash.
Liu Yadang, vice president of the University of International Business and Economics, got sacked after he failed to report incomes of $200,000 from serving on the boards of six companies.
Last week, the president and a vice president of the Communication University of China were removed from the posts for several mismanagement issues.
More university administrators have been reprimanded.
Education Minister Yuan Guiren said Tuesday that the education sector should be free of corruption. Cai Rongsheng, AP

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