Tourism | Region linked to Indonesia’s Sulawesi province

Manado, Indonesia

Manado, Indonesia

Indonesia’s leading budget airline Lion Air has just flown some 250 Chinese tourists directly from Macau to the country’s province of North Sulawesi.
According to Indonesian media outlet Tempo.Co, Lion Air aims to attract 30,000 Chinese visitors to the capital city of North Sulawesi, Manado.
Lion Group founder Rusdi Kirana told Tempo.Co that the Group is committed to attracting tourists from China, stressing that North Sulawesi is an “appropriate travel destination” for China, with its substantial market.
Kirana added that Macau, Shenzen, Chongqing, Wuhan, Shanghai and Changsha have “huge market potential, large population and high purchasing power.”
Meanwhile, North Sulawesi Governor Olly Dondokambey welcomed the Chinese tourists at Sam Ratulangi Airport, also known as Manado International Airport.
The governor said the Indonesian government aims to boost the number of visitors, and expressed his hopes for regular and direct visits from numerous Chinese cities.
Olly Dondokambey revealed that Chinese tour guides had visited North Sulawesi two months previously to determine whether it would be “worthwhile” for Chinese tourists to visit the province.
The governor has advised the residents of the province to create a “calm and safe environment” for the tourists.
Following the direct flight from Macau on a Boeing 737 ER aircraft, flights to Manado from Shenzhen and Shanghai will depart tomorrow and July 12, respectively.

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