Health | Gov’t says region has enough vaccines for residents

The Health Bureau (SSM) said Macau will not provide vaccines to non-residents, with the exception of a small group of children who have established their residence in the territory.
SSM’s statement last week comes after several mainland reports suggested that Guangdong is struggling with a shortage of several types of vaccines, including those for measles and polio.
SSM is responsible for purchasing vaccines under Macau’s immunization vaccine program. However, the bureau stated that it would only assign approved vaccines to MSAR citizens, in keeping with regulations established years ago.
The bureau added that tourists can obtain vaccines in urgent circumstances, such as in cases of injury where the tetanus vaccine is needed. In these scenarios, all medical expenses should be covered by the patients.
SSM also said that local medical centers, including Kiang Wu Hospital, have been conducting collective vaccinations in local schools and institutions over the years.
The department emphasized that it has enough vaccines in Macau and that citizens should not be concerned.

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