Chan Meng Kam aiming for more support at AL

Lawmaker Chan Meng Kam is preparing two lists for the Legislative Assembly (AL) elections which will take place in 2017, the media reported last Friday. Chan is reportedly expecting to be invited by the Chief Executive to become a part of the AL as an appointed legislator. According to the weekly newspaper O Clarim, the two lists in preparation by Chan will be headed by Si Ka Lon and Ung Choi Kun, a former lawmaker that currently heads the Association of Property Agents and Realty Developers of Macau.  As for the lists’ second runners, Song Pek Kei and Si Li Ya will occupy the positions respectively.

Handover exhibition hall to be shown in Guangxi

Shi Wan Shan Qi Xing Ding integrated tourism zone is expected to undergo a trial period next year and to host a dragon boat festival next summer, according to a report by Jornal Va Kio. The whole project sits between 545 to 745 meters above sea level, and it occupies an area of 940,000 square meters at Fang Cheng Gang city of Guangxi. Nearly 10 facilities, including hotels, are still under construction. However, a lotus statue and a Macau handover exhibition hall are ready to welcome customers.

Man dies escaping illegal detention

The Judiciary Police (PJ) have arrested two men for the illegal detention of a third man who, in his attempt to escape, fell to his death from a residential building.
According to the PJ, the two suspects from mainland China were involved in a gaming-related scam in the city. First, they encouraged the victim to gamble in the NAPE area, and then offered to lend him money once he had lost his initial capital.  When the victim lost the loaned money, he was taken by the suspects and locked in a residential unit. Authorities say he was assaulted and filmed by the suspects. The victim, who was left naked after the assault, tried to escape the residential unit through a window, however he fell to his death.

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