167 parking infractions issued in first semester


n the first half of 2016, the Transport Bureau (DSAT) recorded 167 cases of illegally  parked vehicles in public parking lots.
According to a statement released by DSAT, 91 car owners paid the associated costs for the overtime parking period and proceeded to remove their vehicles from the car parks.
Forty six vehicles were towed either to a temporary governmental storage space by the police, DSAT or the parking lot’s management company. Twenty two vehicles saw their registration canceled or were reverted to the government. The remaining eight cars are currently under treatment processes.
The vehicles were inspected across 40 public parking lots which are under the administration of DSAT. The inspections were conducted between the beginning of the year and June 30. Included in the total were seven electrical bikes, while the rest were light cars.
In 2015, 4,830 vehicles that had either been abandoned or had their registrations canceled were removed from public roads. This figure represents a year-on-year increase of 23.3 percent when compared with 2014.

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