Soon to depart lawmaker Kwan Tsui Hang said that the lack of implementation of a trade union law and universal minimum wage are two letdowns in her career as a lawmaker.
During a press conference organized yesterday by Kwan, she noted that the structure that comprises the current Legislative Assembly (AL) does not allow the trade union law to be established in Macau.
“Especially when some of the lawmakers have misunderstood the trade union law, which they believe only protects the workers,” said Kwan, adding that “the trade union should receive a legal confirmation.”
Kwan pointed out that Macau’s law regarding minimum wage only affects employees from the cleaning and buildings’ security sectors. She hopes that the government will do more regarding the minimum wage.
Besides expressing her regrets, Kwan also voiced her opinion on the defamation of lawmakers.
“Not only should we pay attention to election behavior driven by profits, lawmakers also should not tolerate any intentional defamation,” declared Kwan, adding that she is a “direct victim of defamation.”
Kwan recalled that during AL’s election period in September 2009, she was said to oppose cash- sharing programs. She reported this to the election committee and to the police as well. However, no results were reported regarding the parties who committed the defamation.
In 2011, according to Kwan, a few people visited her office and publicly insulted and defamed her. Kwan said that these defamatory remarks “were indirectly spoiled by the authority’s omission.”
“As a victim, I hope that Macau can have a fair election environment, and I hope that the culture of defamation does not interfere with the election’s impartiality. Moreover, I hope that the Macau governmental departments will enforce the law effectively,” she said.
Kwan, who is also the chairman of the AL sub-committee responsible for reviewing legal bills, said that she experienced one major difficulty being chairman. Specifically, when she introduced the committee’s bill-reviewing process, many people misinterpreted her delivery and believed that the content and suggestions were Kwan’s own opinions.
In 96 days, Kwan will officially step down from the AL.
Kwan said that since her first day of participating in the workers’ movement, striving for the labor force’s legal rights and social welfare has became her life-long goal.
“In my 21 years of AL work, I had gains and losses, and I have borne many criticisms and malicious attacks. […] I have also always received consistent understanding, support and encouragement, and I have built a sincere team and real friends. I acquired a precious experience, which not only enriched my life, but also tested my determination,” said Kwan.