World briefs

MYANMAR says it’s ready for a gradual repatriation of Muslim Rohingya refugees chased out by the Buddhist-majority country’s military. Bangladesh says it’s preparing for the transfer, but it might need more time.

INDONESIA A moderately strong earthquake shook the Indonesian island of Java yesterday, killing at least one person and damaging hundreds of homes.

JAPAN Twelve people, including eight soldiers, skiing on the slopes of a volcano near a famous hot spring resort in central Japan were injured yesterday by flying rocks during a sudden eruption, officials said. One soldier later died.

PAKISTAN A radical Pakistani cleric wanted by the United States and released from detention last year claims he is not involved in any illegal activities and is inviting the United Nations to visit the offices of his charity in Lahore.

KENYA Hundreds of Kenyans have held a peaceful demonstration at the country’s largest public hospital to demand that management act on allegations of rape and sexual harassment of patients.

TURKEY’s air and ground offensive against Kurds in northwestern Syria has distracted from international efforts to finish off the Islamic State group and has disrupted humanitarian relief work, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said yesterday.

GREECE Riot police have fired tear gas and stun grenades during clashes with activists protesting an arson fire at a building used by anarchist squatters in the northern city of Thessaloniki.

FRANCE The Seine River overflowed its banks in Paris yesterday, prompting authorities to close several roads and cancel boat cruises. Forecasters said that the water is expected to keep rising in the coming days.

SPAIN Former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont said yesterday that he is working to return home to be re-elected as the regional president, but stopped short of saying when and how.

GUATEMALA U.S. authorities have detained former Guatemalan presidential candidate Manuel Baldizon (pictured) to face charges in Guatemala. The U.S. Embassy in Guatemala City said the detention occurred at an undisclosed location in accordance with an Interpol request.

BRAZIL Lawyers for Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva are asking a group of judges not to arrest the former Brazilian president in case his conviction is upheld later today.

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