Arts | Exhibition features works of former art students in Beijing

Artist Kay Zhang

month-long art exhibition featuring the works of eight local artists, who have lived and studied in Beijing, is currently being held at the Orient Foundation.

The collective exhibition features the individual works of local artists who studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.

According to the curator, Lai Sio Kit, the exhibition has no solid theme as it aims only to showcase the different elements the artists can portray with a subtle influence of Beijing art.

“The individual artists have their own style and way of expression [which is] why it’s called the artists’ note,” the curator explained.

One of the artists, Kay Zhang, expressed her belief that, “we are different from Macau artists because we’ve had this experience in Beijing.”

Zhang created illuminated manuscripts with a collage of naked women. The artist noted that during the medieval period, illuminated manuscripts were designed for bibles – something that is sacred.

However, the artist said that her work expresses that idea of how women see themselves, as it features different shapes and sizes of bodies.

“I want to give people the idea of sensuality, for you don’t really get any divine and sacredness from my work,” said the artist.

Zhang believes that though the city has acquired a sense of multiculturalism, local artists are not heavily influenced by the city’s existing cultures.

“You cannot see any ‘Beijingness’ in our works, but I think what we want to let the audience see is that we still keep our specialties as an individual.”

“It’s a good sign that people [in Macau] are seeing art as something important and something promising. […] I think this kind of art gives you some profound influences [and the opportunity to create] effective good art.”

The exhibition will be displayed until February 28. LV

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