Activists call for Coloane tower project halt


The online non-governmental organization (NGO) “Our Land, Our Plan” presented a petition to the Chief Executive’s Office yesterday as part of a call to “Save Coloane,” relating specifically to the residential project planned for Coloane Hill.
The petition, signed by 6,877 people, includes six demands addressed to the Chief Executive. They request that the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau of Macao (DSSOPT) halt the issuing of the building permit for the project, and they further ask for the public release of all environmental impact assessment reports, so as to disclose the decision-making process and rationale for relaxing the height limit imposed by the government.
“Besides our hopes that the DSSOPT will not issue the license, we look forward to the Chief Executive enabling the decision to be officially discussed through the Urban Planning Committee,” said Amy Sio, member of “Our Land, Our Plan.” “Otherwise, Macau’s resources will become private-owned property, or the government will stop the issue, leaving it with unanswered questions.”
Nonetheless, there have also been doubts hovering over the planning of the environmental impact assessment report. According to Amy Sio, the first criterion for assessing a given location is suitability: “How is it possible that, in light of the first criterion, a non-suitable location still allows a project to be continued?” she questioned.
Sio admitted that the letter carries the purpose of coercing Chui Sai On to use his discretionary rights to halt the project. She argued that the residents who signed the letter are mainly concerned about the environment in Macau, thus clarifying that people do not oppose the city’s development. As to further initiatives, she revealed that there are organizations considering a referendum on this issue.
According to Sio, the “Save Coloane” campaign will continue throughout April, having already been available at three locations, namely the Red Market, Avenida Horta e Costa and Rua do Campo. The movement has been supported by 10 local NGO groups, including New Macau Association, Macao Youth Dynamics, Macao Community Development Initiative, Global Village Association, Our Land, Our Plan, along with five other environmental protection organizations.
“Our Land, Our Plan” is an online organization focusing on the development of the city, on urban planning, and on a better relationship between man and [the] land, according to Scott Chiang, president of New Macau Association. Staff reporter

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