AL seeks public opinion on security force general clause

Starting today, the Third Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly (AL) will seek public opinions on the security force and security department manpower general clause for a 30-day consultation period.
Yesterday, the AL standing committee held the first meeting to discuss each of the prescriptions.
Committee chairman Vong Hin Fai said that the AL committee had received a letter from one local group which complained that the AL committee did not consult the group regarding the law.
According to Vong, the local government had previously presented documents which included written opinions submitted by two local groups, including the aforementioned one.
Vong reiterated that, this time the AL committee was giving the public 30 days to voice their opinions, but it is not consulting with members of the public in regards to the bill.
Any group can now submit its opinions to the AL via email or mail. The committee will forward the opinions to the government.
In total, the security force bill has 227 articles, considerably fewer than the current legislation, which has 330 articles.
During yesterday’s committee meeting, some lawmakers questioned the fact that articles related to individuals’ rights had been removed from the bill. The committee will invite government representatives to respond to these concerns.
The security force and security department manpower general clause proposes more opportunities for concerned officers to receive promotions. For example, once it comes into effect, the government can establish a special committee to review promotion procedures.
The law also allows the Public Security Police Force to recruit personnel with professional skills to fill specific positions needed at the Force.
In addition, the general clause also suggests that non-security forces and non-security department personnel may be appointed as pre-auditors in disciplinary procedures.

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