Artists open trinity painter exhibition

An exhibition featuring three painters of different backgrounds was opened yesterday at the UNESCO Centre of Macao. It will run from now until July 29.

Organized by one of the oldest artists’ groups in the city, the Macau Artist Society (MAS), the exhibition features paintings created by three of the group’s members.

President Lok Hei of the Society said during his welcome speech that the oldest member among the three, Lou Kam Ieng, is a veteran photographer, who has held photo exhibitions in various Chinese provinces, such as Yunan and Tibet.

Besides his interest in photography, Lou is also very into painting because Lou’s life has been surrounded by painters and painting enthusiasts.

Lou’s paintings on exhibition are from his more abstract collection. They may portray hills, basins, forests and rivers, but the artist says he wants viewers to find their own meaning in his work.

Leong Vai I, another featured painter, has been under master painter Lai Ieng’s tutelage for many years. Leong said she is focused on improving her painting skills.

She describes herself as a teller of Macau stories, and her paintings portray a lot of local scenery, objects and people.

Finally, painter Chan Chui Ngan has a particular affinity for depicting cats. As such, almost all of his paintings shown this time are of cats

This exhibition is showing about 70 paintings made by the three painters. The paintings are scattered across two exhibition halls at the UNESCO Centre.

The MAS was founded in 1956 as the Macau Artist Research Association. It seeks to unite the local art circle and develop the local sector. Staff reporter

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