Ask the Vet | Cleaning a cat wound

A cat wound needs proper cleaning in order to prevent infections. There are different types of wounds that can occur: puncture wounds, cuts or burns. 

Keep a first aid kit for emergency situations and use it when your cat is injured.

1. Apply Cold Compresses

If the injury is a burn wound, hold cold compresses on the area before proceeding to the following steps. The compresses are meant to ease the pain and reduce swelling.

2. Stop Cat Bleeding

In case the cat is bleeding, apply pressure on the wound. Use sterile compresses to stop the bleeding.

If the cat has lost a lot of blood, go to the vet immediately.

3. Trim the Area

Wear a pair of surgical gloves and gently trim the wound area with small scissors. Disinfect the scissors prior to use with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, to prevent the transfer of other bacteria to the wound. By trimming the wound area you will speed up the healing, allowing the air to circulate around it.

4. Clean the Wound

Clean the wound by placing the cat under running water. The water will flush bacteria. Use an antibacterial soap. Rinse well, getting rid of soap and other particles that may be stuck in the wound. You may use a sharp pointed tweezers to remove other particles from the wound, such as glass or splinters.

5. Dry the Area

Dry the area around the wound using a soft towel or paper tissues. Try to avoid touching the wound.

6. Disinfect the Wound

When the wound is dry, disinfect it by using an antiseptic cleaner, such as betadine, iodine or hibitaine. Use sterile gauze to pad the wound. Don’t use cotton pads, because these may leave fibers behind. Apply disinfectant on the area surrounding the wound also. Avoid touching the area after cleaning.

7. Apply Ointment

After the area is dry, apply an antibiotic ointment to prevent an infection.

8. Cover the Wound

Cover the wound with a sterile gauze bandage. Even if uncovered areas heal faster, bandages are needed to prevent the cat from licking the ointment and biting or chewing the wound.

Alternatively, you can opt for an Elizabethan Collar (also known as a lampshade collar or e-collar) which blocks your cat’s access to the wound.

Clean and disinfect the wounds two times per day until you see signs of healing.

If the wound gets infected you will notice swelling, redness, damaged tissue, bad odor or discharge from it. Your pet will be in a lot of pain. Don’t hesitate to take your cat to the vet to get proper treatment and avoid further complications. The cat will need oral antibiotics and even more advanced treatment.

Hope this info helps 

Till next week 

Dr Ruan Bester

Ask the Vet:

Royal Veterinary Centre

Tel: +853 28501099, +853 28523678

Emergency: +853 62662268


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