Ask the Vet | Six proven canine dry eye remedies

In Macau we deal with a lot of dry eye cases and I thought of spending a bit more time on this topic. The official name for canine dry eye syndrome is keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). A dog with this condition will have trouble producing tears, which can result in drying and inflammation of the cornea. This is very painful and can cause a lot of secondary problems for the eye. If your dog has a case of dry eyes, he’ll need prompt treatment from a qualified vet. 

Eyes can dry out due to medications

Finding what’s causing your dog’s eyes to dry out will take a fair amount of investigation. For instance, some medications can cause this condition. If your dog is taking any sulpha drugs, stop administering them immediately.

Six dry eye remedies for your canine

If drugs are not the problem, help your dog to produce more tears. The following remedies can help relieve your dog from his dry eyes:

Apply a tear replacement product to keep your dog’s cornea moist.

Wet the cornea with lubricating ointments and artificial tears.

Use a tacrolimus or cyclosporin ointment to increase your dog’s tear production and reduce inflammation on the cornea.

Clean your dog’s eyes before applying medication. Be sure and remove any discharge he may have in the eye area. This might be difficult in the beginning as most dogs eyes are painful during this stage.

Along with the above treatments, some dogs might need a round of antibiotics or pain treatments. Administering drugs is typical when a secondary bacterial infection appears such as an ulcer on the cornea. We do not use steroids when ulcers are present.

Lastly, if no other remedy works, your dog may need to have surgery. A qualified veterinary ophthalmologist will perform a delicate procedure known as a parotid duct transposition. By Dr Ruan Du Toit Bester

Hope this info helps 

Till next week 

Dr Ruan Bester

Ask the Vet: Royal Veterinary Centre
Tel: +853 28501099, +853 28523678
Emergency: +853 62662268

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