Ask the Vet | Causes of Dog Panting and Shaking

Dog in Hosp Heat Stroke or Panting

Causes of a dog panting and shaking may be one or more of the following:

  • A heat stroke
  • Heart problems
  • Infections
  • Poisoning
  • Low Blood Sugar
  • Severe Pain
  • Fear or stress
  • Shock

Internal injuries
Dog panting and shaking may be a symptom of hyperthermia or hypothermia or other illnesses and injuries. When your dog displays these symptoms, you need to determine the cause, so that if treatment is needed, you should be able to administer it.
Heat Stroke
A dog may suffer from heat stroke if he stays in the sun or in an overheated room. Dogs don’t have the ability to sweat through the skin pores; they only sweat through their paws and they also eliminate heat through the tongue.
Some symptoms of a heat stroke include panting, shaking, excessive salivation, seizures or sudden collapse.

Heart Problems
If your dog is shaking and panting, he may have a heart problem. In dogs with a heart condition, it may happen that the heart is enlarged, pressing on the lungs and making it difficult for the dog to breathe. Shaking may also occur.

Infections in dogs may cause fever (a temperature over 39.9C) and this may lead to symptoms such as panting and shaking. The infections may be viral, fungal or bacterial. Depending on the causes of the infection, the dog may also display other symptoms.

The ingestion of toxic materials and toxic food may cause a severe reaction in your pet. Shaking and panting are just a few symptoms of poisoning; the dog may also vomit, have seizures or collapse.
There are a lot of toxic materials and food that should be avoided by your dog including alcohol, chocolate, onion, garlic, rat poison, human drugs or several different flowering plants.

Low Blood Sugar
If the dog has a low blood sugar or hypoglycaemia, he may start shaking and panting. This is not a serious condition and can be solved by administering honey or maple syrup to your dog. If you place the honey under the dog’s tongue, the sugar will enter the blood flow much faster. Administer 1 tablespoon of honey once every 6 hours and take it to the vet asap.
Meanwhile, you should make sure your dog is warm enough.
If the condition doesn’t improve, you should get help, as your dog may need intravenous fluids.

Severe Pain
If the dog is suffering from severe pain, he may be shaking and panting. Visit the vet to establish the source of pain.

Fear or Stress
A dog that is stressed or fearful may experience panting and shaking. You need to identify the stress or fear factor and remove it. Often, the stress or fear may be caused by other dogs or animals or loud noises your dog is not used to, like all the new renovation and building in Macau.

If the dog is in a state of shock, he may start panting and shaking. Shock may be caused by different factors including trauma or an accident.

Internal Injuries
If the dog has pale gums and is shaking and panting, these symptoms may point to internal injuries or even internal bleeding. A dog with internal injuries will also display a general state of weakness. You need to rush to the vet to prevent any complications.

Hope this info helps
Till next week
Dr RuanCauses of Dog Panting and Shaking

Ask the Vet: Royal Veterinary Centre
Tel: +853 28501099, +853 28523678
Fax: +853 28508001

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