Belt & Road | In pursuit of a free trade climate

Macau will aim to foster a “free trade” climate with Portuguese-speaking countries under the central government’s Belt and Road Initiative, the city’s Chief Executive Chui Sai On said yesterday. Chui made the comments during his opening speech inaugurating a Symposium held at the Macau Tower and with the theme of “Macau, a world city on the Belt and Road.”

Chui noted that free trade between Macau and Portuguese-speaking countries would strengthen China’s trade initiative to connect the whole world.

“The construction of the ‘Belt and Road’ project is a strategic opportunity that allows Macau to keep pace with international development,” Chui said. “The free flow of trading [products] together with financial integration are roles that allow Macau to perform its platform duties of commercial cooperation and service platform between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries.”

The Chief Executive took also the opportunity to highlight the work that has been done regarding the establishment in Macau of a Center for Commercial Services, as well as for the distribution of food products, and for Conventions and exhibitions between the same parties.

Chui reviewed the latest policies enforced and the roles attributed by the central government to the region, especially those that refer to the role of the territory in the Belt and Road project, but also at the regional level, such as the Greater Bay Area. RM

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