Briefs | Bossini sells commercial property for HKD350 million

General Views of Macau As Casino Revenue Falls 32% While China Curbs Hit VIP GamingAccording to Dow Jones Institutional News, Bossini International Holdings Ltd. has agreed to sell a commercial property in Macau for HKD350 million as it seeks to realize its investment. The mass-fashion retailer said that it would sell the property comprising the ground floor and basement of Macau’s Central Commercial Centre to Deep Thought Investments Ltd.  Bossini International stated yesterday that the retail outlet, currently in use, would lease back the property from the buyer under a three-year contract. It expects to gain HKD334.6 million from the disposal.

Xanana’s anthem sung for the first time

The East-Timorese war veterans have a new anthem entitled “March 3 Anthem” that was sung for the first time during a National Liberation Fighters Conference held in Dili. The event was attended by members of the resistance of Indonesian occupation of the territory, a Lusa agency report says. March 3 marks the date back in 1981 when the reorganization of the Timorese resistance started under the leadership of Xanana Gusmão, who is also the author of the lyrics of the anthem and is currently the country’s Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment. In the three-day conference, attended by youth organizations from six countries and territories including East Timor, Australia, Macau, UK, Mozambique and Portugal, a bill on the creation of the Council of the National Liberation Fighters was discussed, proposing for March 3 to become the National Veterans Day.

Child with rare genetic disease dies in CHCSJ

A baby girl diagnosed at birth with a rare genetic disease (Treacher Collins syndrome) died on Wednesday in the Conde de São Januário Central Hospital (CHCSJ), reportedly due to post-surgery complications. A statement from the CHCSJ stated that the child’s condition was monitored since birth by the Pediatrics, Plastic Surgery and Development Pediatrics Service Departments of the hospital. They decided on January 6 to perform a medical plastic surgery due to a cleft on the infant’s palate in order to prevent respiratory tract infections, and improve the child’s voice quality. The surgery was successful. However, during the process of post-surgery recovery, complications arose leading to several resuscitation procedures that continued until the patient was pronounced dead. The CHCSJ also added that it is already conducting investigations in order to fully understand the causes of death. The Treacher Collins syndrome is a rare congenital disorder characterized by deformities in bones of the skull and face and was named after Doctor Treacher Collins in 1900.

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