Briefs | DSEJ will not survey teachers on work willingness

The Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) says that the bureau has conducted discussions with the education sector on how it can improve the bureau’s measures for human resource planning. In the DSEJ’s reply to lawmaker Sulu Sou’s inquiry, the bureau said that asking teachers in private schools to complete a form to indicate their willingness to continue their jobs places unnecessary pressure on them. This method will therefore not be used by the education authority.

Kevin Ho does not plan to run in AL election 

Macau delegate at the National People’s Congress (NPC) Kevin Ho King Lun said that he is currently not planning to participate in the indirect election of the Legislative Assembly. “I will not tell you for sure that I am not interested in the election or I will not run in the election. But at this moment, I don’t have such a plan. I want to use my time and spend efforts to get involved in the NPC’s work, because it is a very big responsibility. The NPC’s work is something I am still not familiar with,” said Ho.

Lawmakers propose defining SMEs as consumers

Members of the First Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly (AL) have proposed to define small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), some organizations and building administration committees as consumers. Earlier this week, the committee continued discussions on the consumer protection law. According to Ho Ion Sang, president of the committee, some lawmakers believe that SMEs, clubs, and building administration committees are in a vulnerable position, and require consumer rights protection. The committee hopes that the local government can consider Macau’s current situation and expand the definition of consumer from individuals to include entities. Government representatives claimed that the authorities will conduct research based on the committee’s opinions.  In addition, the city’s consumer protection bill also proposed to regulate trade fair and exhibition operations.

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