Briefs | Fire accident killed one

A fire outbreak, which took place early morning on Friday at Fai Chi Kei Social House, resulted in one death and five injured. The deceased resident was a local 74-year-old man, tenant of the social house. The fire occurred in the residential building’s 17th floor, in the housing unit where the late victim was living. The other five victims live in the same building and described some discomfort during their escape, mainly trouble breathing. Some 180 residences were evacuated in total while the Fire Services Bureau (CB) combatted the fire. According to the Housing Bureau, the central gasoline system of the concerned social house is in a normal condition. A regular inspection has been carried out at the project as well. The latest inspection of the concerned building’s fire system was conducted at the end of August. The CB spent 20 minutes extinguishing the fire, with ten ambulances and two ladders deployed to the site.

Prison police dismissed for failing obligation

A prison police officer has been dismissed due to his failure to fulfill his legal obligations as a public servant. According to a statement released by the Office of the Secretary for Security, the former police officer violated his obligation to be caring and diligent, as well as to not be involved in other jobs. The dismissal was issued on August 8. The same police officer had also been accused, in 2016, of bribery, in a case related to 2015, by the Commission Against Corruption. However, recently, the Court of First Instance ruled that the police officer was not guilty of bribery.

Mak Soi Kun suggests more teenagers join PSP youth club

Lawmaker Mak Soi Kun is proposing to the police authority that more local youth should join the Public Security Police (PSP)’s youth club. Recently, the PSP established a youth team hoping to attract teenagers into participating in the city’s anti-crime activities. Mak complimented the PSP youth club, saying it can help to train more successors to Macau’s future development. “There are however some residents querying me to ask the administration authority how it will expand the scale of the PSP youth club, and how it will enhance the promotional campaigns for recruiting more youth and students to participate [in the PSP’s youth club]. Furthermore, they want to know if every community and family can be part of the civil protection team. Will the government increase the strength of the society through the youth club?” Mak questioned.

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