Briefs | PSP officer caught cheating on slot machine

An officer from the Public Security Police Force (PSP) has been suspended and forwarded to the prosecution authority for cybercrime. According to an order signed by the Secretary for Security, Wong Sio Chak, in 2018, the PSP officer was found using a slot machine maintenance tool to retrieve his lost bets, allowing him to keep his winning bets and win money worth nearly 100 times his initial bets. This resulted in a loss of HKD450,000 to the casino. Before the suspect joined the police force, he was a slot machine technician in a local casino.  He has been charged with cyber fraud.

Gov’t urged to improve promotion of electric cars

Lawmaker Lam Lon Wai submitted a written inquiry to the local government regarding electric car policies. Lam stated that Macau has a low rate of electric car usage and that the government’s policies to promote electric cars are unclear, leading to difficulties in popularizing electric cars in Macau. Lam asked the government whether it has detailed measures and long-term plans to encourage individuals to buy electric cars. Lam wants government departments to set a good example by using electric cars. 

Haitong Bank plans to open a Macau branch

The Bank of Portugal has approved the plans of Haitong Bank, formerly Banco Espírito Santo Investimento (BESI), to open a branch in Macau, according to an official from the Haitong group. The opening of the Haitong Bank branch in Macau depends on authorization processes by Macau authorities, including the Monetary Authority of Macao. A Haitong group official said that opening the branch is part of the “development of the bank’s cross-border strategy, allowing the strengthening of business with China and greater coordination with the rest of the group,” as quoted by Portuguese weekly Expresso. Wu Min, chairman of the Hong Kong-based bank’s executive board, said that the “opening of the Macau branch will allow Haitong Bank to strengthen one of its differentiating elements, which is based on access to business with China.”

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