Britain | Pro-EU side nervous as odds slashed on ‘leave’

British Prime Minister David Cameron (left) speaks with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker during a round table meeting at an EU summit in Brussels

British Prime Minister David Cameron (left) speaks with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker during a round table meeting at an EU summit in Brussels

Nervous “remain” supporters stepped up campaigning in Britain’s European Union referendum yesterday after odds on a vote to leave the bloc dramatically narrowed following a string of polls showing a surge in “leave” sentiment.
The pound fell by a cent against the dollar, to USD1.4181 on Monday, as bookmakers cut the odds of an exit vote in the June 23 referendum to as short as 6-5. “Remain” was still the favorite, but only just, after several phone and online polls released late Monday suggested growing support among voters for leaving the 28-nation bloc.
Senior Labour Party figures warned that leaving the EU could cause a recession and trigger big public-sector job losses — but “leave” campaigners insist the government will have more money if it doesn’t have to pay millions a week to the bloc.
The Rupert Murdoch-owned Sun tabloid urged its readers to vote for an EU exit, with a front-page editorial yesterday under the headline “BeLeave in Britain.” It is Britain’s biggest selling newspaper, with a circulation of more than 2 million — and a history of backing the winning side in elections.
Meanwhile, a top EU official said “the world needs the European Union,” in a remark seen directed at Britain ahead of next week’s vote.
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has so far declined to comment on the referendum.
During yesterday’s opening of a two-day conference in the Norwegian capital on conflict mediation, Mogherini said the EU internationally is “strong voice for peace on our global stage,” describing it as “a strong and honest broker in regional dynamics.”
Mogherini said “the world needs also this kind of European Union,” adding “it is sad to me to see that some European citizens have to be reminded of that from the outside.” AP

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