Can I Give My Cat a Bath?

In this post, we’ll answer some of the most common questions:

Can I teach my cat to like a bath?

How do I give my cat a bath?

 How do I teach my cat to like a bath?

The goal is to teach your cat that being in water with your supervision is safe and even enjoyable. Give your cat a treat – whether it’s food or a favourite toy – every time they are bathed so they begin to associate the activity with the desirable thing more than they associate it with fear or discomfort. Be patient and gradually desensitise your pet to bathing over many weeks.

If you find out your cat has a medical condition which means they’ll need regular baths, you can take your time to get your training right.

If your cat has gone out and got mucky, you may have to do a one-off bath more urgently, but you can still follow these steps to make the bath as low-stress as possible.

 Introducing your cat to water

If your cat is used to grooming, then introducing water is not a huge step from this. We recommend all cats are groomed regularly with a brush – weekly for short-haired cats and daily for long-haired cats. This is a great way to bond with your cat. Injured, arthritic, or overweight cats might struggle to groom themselves without your help, so it’s good to help them get used to grooming early on.

If your cat is comfortable being brushed by you, practice this in the room you will use for bathing. Have your nonslip mat in place but no water to start. Continue to use your chosen desirable thing (food or catnip) to distract and reward your kitty. When your cat is comfortable with dry grooming in the bathing space, you can gradually introduce water. Lightly wet the grooming brush to start. Then, add a few puddles on the nonslip surface. If your cat accepts standing in light puddles, progress with gradually deeper water until it covers the lower half of the legs. Just stand them in the water, and groom them as you would normally. Try to do a little practice every day and make only small increases in the amount of water every couple of days.

 How to give your cat a bath

After your training, you now have your cat standing in a few inches of water. Next, you can start rinsing water through your cat’s coat with a cup. Start gradually and slowly, continuing to use a reassuring tone of voice. Keep as calm and quiet as possible. Wet your cat from shoulders backward. Avoid the head and never get water in their eyes or ears.

Once wet enough, rub in your chosen shampoo until you have a lather. Some medical shampoos need to be left on the coat to work for 10 minutes or so. You might find it best to take your cat out of the water for this bit and stand them on a dry towel. Make sure the room is warm so your wet cat doesn’t get chilly. When ready to rinse, stand your cat back in the bath on the nonslip surface. Use fresh, warm water and the jug to flush through the coat.

 How do I dry my cat after a bath?

Most cats dislike loud noises, so hair dryers are not a good option. The air they blow out can be pretty hot, so it is unsuitable for drying your cat.

The best method for drying a cat is a large towel. You can wrap your cat or give them a gentle rub down, whichever they tolerate best. Some cats find being wrapped reassuring. Keep your cat in a warm environment until fully dry.

 My cat urgently needs a bath but is not used to water – what do I do?

While not ideal, cats can still be bathed without training, if necessary. Stand them on a dry surface. Have the water in a separate bowl and use a jug or cup to get your cat wet. Pour the water from the jug slowly, using reassuring language and a soft tone of voice throughout.

 Will my cat hate me after a bath?

If you teach your cat to cope with grooming and bathing, then there is no reason your cat will hold it against you. However, if you force your cat to do something they find stressful or frightening, this could damage your bond and break their trust in you. It is better to ask your veterinarian for help than to proceed with a stressed cat.

 Can I give my cat Benadryl for a bath? What about other sedatives?

Trying to sedate your cat at home is inappropriate. There are reports of people making cats drowsy with antihistamines, like Benadryl, but the amount you would need to get any level of sedation is an overdose and could harm your cat. This is not safe. In some circumstances, veterinarians will sedate cats to allow a procedure to be done without causing the cat undue stress. Veterinarians train for many years to understand how sedative drugs work and how to use them safely.


Most cats don’t need baths, they are good at keeping themselves clean. As a rule, cats don’t like standing in water or getting wet, so please don’t bathe your cat without a good reason.

Reasons for bathing your cat include:

A coat thick with flea dirt.

A coat covered in a substance that would harm your cat if licked.

Skin conditions that can be treated with medicated shampoos.

You can train your cat to tolerate water, but please be patient and seek the guidance of your veterinarian if your training is not going to plan. If you need to bathe your cat urgently but your cat is not having it, ask your vet for help. Stop if your cat gets stressed.


Hope this info helps

Till next week

Dr Ruan Du Toit Bester


Royal Veterinary Centre

Tel: +853 28501099

Emergency: +853 66776611


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