‘Easter Sunday’ is a loving ode to Filipino culture

A boisterous extended clan gathers for a family holiday, launching the requisite arguments, hurt feelings, grudges, inside jokes, laughter, love, reconciliation and lots of eating, plus maybe

Catch the tail end of season with fun

Due to the covid situation, many of us still cannot travel much even though it’s the heart of summer. Nevertheless, it’s time to catch the

The Diamond Hill 1500M Turf

2022-08-14 | Sun | 17:55 Star of Venus has not run his best races lately and he has not been consistent in his last few runs since his last

Youth and anarchy in ‘Bodies Bodies Bodies’

Bodies Bodies Bodies “ might just be the first great Gen Z thriller. In director Halina Reijn’s film is a razor-sharp satire of a very specific

Chairman’s Challenge Cup ( Group 1) 2022-08-07 | Sun | 17:05

My pick for this Sunday’s feature race is Association Eight from C.W. Choi’s yard, although this gelding still racing greenly but if you watch closely in his

Mix of cultures for celebration

Now that the covid situation is calmed, it’s time to think about how to celebrate upcoming festivals with some of the best food items available

Loneliness and hope both eternal in ‘A Love Song’

The first shots of “A Love Song” are a signal for the rest of the film — stubborn flowers and shrubs pushing through dry, stony earth in

‘Proving Ground’ profiles first women programmers

When the world’s first general-purpose, programmable, electronic computer, known as ENIAC, debuted in 1946, great fanfare was given to the men who created it, John Mauchly

‘About Last Night…’ captures whirlwind night out

If you’ve ever sent a “So, about last night” text, Mabel’s newest album is for you. A follow-up to the English singer’s 2019 debut album, “About

High couture dreams in ‘Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris’

Paul Gallico’s 1958 novel “Mrs. ‘Arris Goes to Paris,” about a British cleaning lady with high couture dreams, wouldn’t seem to have even a stitch of contemporary

Bourland autopsies the princess myth with precision

It's about time someone took the princess story that’s normalized to girls and autopsy it with absolute precision.  “The Force of Such Beauty” opens

Splashes of color from pianist Sam Reider

Jazz pianist Sam Reider can sound reflective or restless, pensive or playful, sometimes in adjacent measures. “Petrichor” is the solo debut album from Reider, who

Dakota Johnson brings a modern spark to ‘Persuasion’

The new adaptation of “ Persuasion, “ coming to Netflix Friday, does not seem to have been made for Jane Austen fans. Her book about the

‘Mermaid of Black Conch’ melds history and magic

David is a fisherman and Aycayia is a mermaid. It’s pretty obvious where the story goes from here: David falls for Aycayia. But author Monique Roffey

Metric rocks out existentially in ‘Formentera’

Metric's “Formentera” throws listeners into the deep end with “Doomscroller,” which starts off feeling like a warehouse rave or fever dream or maybe both. What sounds

‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ is pure bonkers filmmaking

The last full Thor movie was the overstuffed 2017 “Thor: Ragnarok,” with the God of Thunder dealing with dueling brother and sister issues, the imminent destruction of

An Irish hitman juggles murder with parenthood

Patrick Callen, a Dublin, Ireland hitman with a mild case of obsessive-compulsive disorder, stays organized by making lists. On his first day in Keith Bruton’s debut

Imagine Dragons offer light at the end of the tunnel

If you were hiding under your bed after listening to the last album by Imagine Dragons, it’s time to come out. The second volume of “Mercury”

In ‘Rise of Gru,’ Minion mayhem reigns

For a not small segment of the audience for “Minions: Rise of Gru,” only one thing really needs to be said. The Minions are in it. That’s

A slice-of-life novel both meaningless and profound

As a freshman, Nina has a crush on her English teacher.  That’s how “The Most Precious Substance on Earth” begins. Author Shashi Bhat wastes

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