Gaming | Casino stocks boom again, Macquarie says it’s fleeting

Macau casino operators are leading gains on Hong Kong’s stock market for the first time in nine months, a winning streak Macquarie Investment Management Ltd. and Pictet Asset Management Ltd.

Preliminary review of AL electoral law to be drafted this year

The government will be drafting a preliminary revision of Macau’s Legislative Assembly (AL) electoral law this year, the Secretary for Administration and Justice, Sonia Chan, revealed yesterday on the sidelines

BRIEFS | Pre-sale buyers seek help after alleged delay

Over ten pre-sale buyers of properties in the Pearl Horizon, a residential complex currently under construction, submitted a collective petition to the government yesterday. They are seeking intervention as the

Water in new public housing estates to be tested

Officials stressed that the current mechanism includes a set of strict supervising procedures over water quality: water is tested at least twice before distribution to households, plus a regular testing

Human Resources Office stresses legality of labor import

The ratio of imported labor to local manpower throughout various sectors has been subject to the varying economic atmosphere and its actual needs, says the Human Resources Office. This is

Lawmakers agree on one-year jail term for animal abuse

The Legislative Assembly (AL) 1st Standing Committee agreed to reduce sentences for animal abuse to a maximum of one year, lawmaker Kwan Tsui Hang, president of the committee, said yesterday. The

Proposal is a ‘huge step backwards,’ says Albano Martins

The president of the animal protection association Anima, Albano Martins, believes that the government’s decision to set a one-year maximum prison sentence for animal abuse “is a huge step backwards.” Mr

WikiLeaks emails | ICAC confirms interest in hacking software

An e-mail between an ICAC principal investigator and the head of Hacking Team’s Singapore branch shows that ICAC was interested in the company’s Galileo remote control system, particularly for mobile

CRIME | Local schoolgirl swindled to buy ‘virtual items’

A local student became the victim of an online hoax when she attempted to buy “virtual items” from an unknown mainland store for a popular mobile game, revealed the Judiciary

Echo beats billionaire Packer’s Crown with Brisbane casino pick

Echo Entertainment Group Ltd. won the right to develop a gambling resort in the center of Brisbane, fending off competition from billionaire James Packer’s Crown Resorts Ltd. which broke its

Tunnel or bridge? | Macau-Taipa fourth link under review

The government is waiting on the results of a research study on the fourth Macau-Taipa link to decide on whether to build another bridge or a tunnel, according to a

Macau, Porto strengthen tourism co-operation

Macau and Portugal’s second-largest city are reinforcing the need for bilateral cooperation. The Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Alexis Tam, has met with the Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira,

Heritage | Ancient riverside foundations found under historic pharmacy

The Cultural Affairs Bureau unearthed another cluster of stone relics amid ongoing restoration at the historic Chong Sai Pharmacy (East and West Pharmacy), allegedly established by Chinese Republic founder Sun

Chan Meng Kam campaign staff found guilty of bribery

Two staff members from lawmaker Chan Meng Kam’s 2013 campaign team have been found guilty of bribery and sentenced to around one year in jail. A Court of First Instance (TJB)

CRIME | Man accused of multiple sexual assault cases

The Judiciary Police (PJ) detained a 19-year-old unemployed local for allegedly sexually assaulting minors over 30 times since last year. Last Wednesday, a 12-year-old minor on his way home after school

Local Muslims gather to mark end of Ramadan

The local Muslim community came together last Saturday at the Macau Mosque and Cemetery in celebration of Eid-Al-Fitr, a religious holiday that marks the end of the fasting month of

Court rejects La Scala defendants’ appeals

The Court of Second Instance rejected the appeals of businessmen Joseph Lau and Steven Lo in the La Scala case. Lau and Lo were both sentenced to five years and

EXCO | EDUCATION | Gov’t outlines basic academic skills students should meet

The Executive Council has given its support to a set of basic academic skills, outlined by administrative regulations that must be followed by non-tertiary local education institutions, including kindergartens. ExCo’s spokesperson

SPYING SOFTWARE | Hacking Team’s ‘opaque operations’ reach Macau, HK

The Judiciary Police (PJ) has reiterated that all investigations it carries out comply with the law and that citizen surveillance requires the authorization of a judge. The security force stated

Boxing | Overwhelming Cesar Cuenca shatters IK Yang’s world title dream

Argentina’s Cesar Cuenca moved himself a step closer to the world record following his victorious debut outside of his home country at Saturday night’s “Victory at the Venetian”, shattering China’s

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