China’s GDP grows 5.2%, stock market shares fall

According to China’s Several positive data points include: (i) a decrease in youth unemployment to 14.9%; (ii) maintaining a low overall unemployment rate (5.2%); (iii)

Rallying call for concerted fight against terrorism

The white paper the State Council Information Office published on Tuesday offers a systemic review of the institutional progress the country has made in the fight against terrorism,

Ban on EV batteries hurts US interests

In yet another move to decouple from China, US lawmakers have banned the Defense Department from buying electric vehicle batteries produced by China’s biggest battery manufacturers on the

Japan joins an elite club by landing on the moon. What are others doing?

Japan landed a spacecraft on the moon Saturday, an attempt at the world’s first “pinpoint lunar landing.” The milestone puts Japan in a club previously occupied by only

Actions must be taken to boost confidence as recovery on healthy upward trajectory

Despite external pressure and internal difficulties, China’s economy rebounded with a growth rate of 5.2 percent last year, surpassing the official annual target of around 5 percent, according

Exports to Russia through the back door

Direct These exports Interestingly, although direct European exports to Russia have decreased, indirect exports have increased. Let’s start with the Baltic countries, the most

China working to overcome global trust deficit

The 54th annual gathering of the World Economic Forum, which opened at the Swiss ski resort of Davos on Monday, provides another opportunity for more than 60 heads

Tariff reductions show country continues to open its market

Since Jan 1 of this year, China has begun implementing provisional import tax rates lower than the most-favored-nation rate on 1,010 types of goods from foreign countries, with

DPP must accept it will not be able to impede the inevitable trend of national reunification

Immediately following his election win, Lai Ching-te of Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party said maintaining cross-Strait peace and stability would be his mission as Taiwan’s new leader. He also

Visit carries forward momentum of cooperation

The ongoing visit by Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Egypt, Tunisia, Togo and Cote d’Ivoire, from Saturday to Thursday, continues the 34-year tradition of African countries being the

From besting Tetris AI to epic speedruns – inside gaming’s most thrilling feats

After 13-year-old Willis Gibson became the first human to beat the original Nintendo version of Tetris, he dedicated his special win to his father, who passed away

Self-revolution essential for CPC’s vitality

For anyone curious about the governance philosophy of the Communist Party of China, the communique of the third plenum of the 20th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

What Taoism teaches about the body and being healthy

New Year’s resolutions often come with a renewed investment in making our bodies healthier. Many may take to the newest diet plan or sign up for a health

With each strike, Israel, the US and Iran’s allies are inching closer to all-out war

In the last week alone, Israel has killed a senior Hamas militant in an airstrike in Beirut, Hezbollah has fired barrages of rockets into Israel, the U.S. has killed

Lid must be kept on Korean Peninsula tensions

Both Pyongyang and Seoul have good reasons to be pessimistic about the prospect of inter-Korea relations in 2024. The present state of affairs on the peninsula does not

We used AI and satellite imagery to map ocean activities that take place out of sight, including fishing, shipping and energy development

Humans are racing to harness the ocean’s vast potential to power global economic growth. Worldwide, ocean-based industries such as fishing, shipping and energy production generate at

South Korea views the young daughter of Kim Jong Un as his likely successor

The young daughter of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is seen as her father’s likely heir apparent, South Korea’s spy agency said Thursday, its first such assessment

Attacks on navigation in the Red Sea, more inflation in Europe

In recent weeks, invoking The world’s major shipping companies Taking Rotterdam as a destination example, the use of the route through the Cape of

China-US diplomatic ties need recalibration after 45 years

New Year’s Day of Year 2024 marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of China-U.S. diplomatic relations. Over the past years, the China-U.S. relationship has experienced ups

Why the COP28 climate summit mattered, and what to watch for in 2024

Reading down the lengthy final agreement of the COP28 United Nations climate conference held in December 2023, you’ll go a long way before finding a

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