California condor that helped save species returns to wild

Banking into the wind and then gliding out of sight, a male California condor flew back into the wild after a captive breeding program that helped save North America’s largest

Nature | African Penguins face threat from pet dogs

More than 40 penguins were killed this year by one or more dogs and authorities recently increased patrols in a penguin nesting area where people often take their dogs for

Nature | Italy confirms higher cancer, death rates from mob dumping

An Italian parliament-mandated health survey has confirmed higher-than-normal incidents of death and cancer among residents in and around Naples, thanks to decades of toxic waste dumping by the local Camorra

Central bankers lead revamp as crises sweep ex-Soviet states

Lenders of last resort are becoming agents of change for economies across the former Soviet Union. Their governments paralyzed by collapsing revenue, central banks sprang into action when the crisis

The Buzz | China Telecom chairman resigns amid corruption probe

The chairman of one of China’s three main state-owned phone carriers resigned yesterday following an announcement he is the target of an anti-corruption investigation. China Telecom Ltd. chairman Chang Xiaobing is

Authorities find storm caused sinking of cruiser that killed 442

Chinese authorities blamed freak weather for the capsizing of a cruise ship that killed hundreds earlier this year, but also recommended that the captain be further investigated and representatives of

World Briefs

NORTH KOREA’s top official in charge of relations with South Korea, Kim Yang Gon, died in a traffic accident, potentially dimming the prospect for ties between the rival countries. JAPAN Mountaineer

Crimeans enter 2016 struggling, but optimistic

As New Year’s Eve approaches, the central square of Crimea’s largest city is festooned with bright festive decorations, including a soaring artificial tree that flashes and winks. But areas just

Belgium, Netherlands to exchange territory without a fight

Throughout history, borders have caused unfathomable bloodshed, ageless feuds and decades-old legal disputes, which makes plans for a friendly exchange of land between the Netherlands and Belgium all the more

This Day in History | 1999 Putin takes over as Yeltsin resigns

Mr Yeltsin made the shock announcement live on Russian television and said Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will take over as acting president, with elections now due to take place on

Offbeat | Priest rebuked for riding hoverboard during Mass

The Diocese of San Pablo, south of Manila, said the Rev. Albert San Jose apologized for his action, which was caught on video and widely shared on YouTube. The video shows

The Buzz | Coal official who hid USD30m admits to corruption

A low-ranking Chinese energy official accused of hiding more than USD30 million in cash in his home has admitted to corruption charges in a northern Chinese court. The Baoding City Intermediate

Saudi Arabia cuts dependence on oil amid crude price slump

Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest crude exporter, is cutting its dependence on oil revenue due to the slump in crude prices while boosting production to defend its market share. Revenue from oil sales

World Briefs

CHINA Two men were detained in Shenzhen for spreading a rumor that hundreds of terrorists have arrived in the city, police say, just days before a new law banning false

Guinea declared free of Ebola transmissions

Guinea has been declared free from transmission of Ebola, the World Health Organization said yesterday, marking a milestone for the West African country where the original Ebola chain of transmission

USA | CUBA: First of 17 detainees to be released from Gitmo next week

Another three detainees are slated to appear before a review board during January to determine if they can also be considered eligible for transfer to another country, the official added. Defense

This Day in History | 1971 Iranians deported from Iraq

It is unclear whether the figures from the Iranian Red Lion and Sun (Red Cross) Society also include previous deportations over the past weeks and months. An Iranian Government spokesman today

Offbeat | Player fired for posting ‘offensive’ tweets

The club says it “has decided to terminate the contract signed” with Sergi Guardiola, who had joined Barca B on Monday, “after confirming that he had posted offensive tweets against

The Buzz | Former El Salvador football player shot to death

Authorities in El Salvador say gunmen shot and killed former national football  team player Alfredo Alberto Pacheco at a gasoline station in a municipality west of the country’s capital. El Salvador’s

‘Star Wars’ makers have high hopes for China success

The latest Star Wars movie broke the USD1 billion mark before fans in China could see it, but producers anticipate “The Force Awakens” will play “very very well” in the

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