Director Xia Baolong visits the Macao East Asian Games Dome and the Athlete Training and Development Centre
Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng has called on Macau’s different sectors to collaborate to polish the region as a golden business card and transform it into an international metropolis.
This comes as Beijing’s top official for Hong Kong and Macau affairs Xia Baolong’s week-long visit to Macau concluded.
The call was one of the six guidelines Xia left to the SAR Government during his visit, which the Chief Executive confirmed during the press conference to summarize the visit of the director of the Office for Macau and Hong Kong Affairs.
According to Ho, the government will lead the administrative team, and join with all sectors of society to “make better use of Macau’s six advantages as praised by Xia and polish the golden business card of Macau as an international metropolis.”
The six advantages, pointed out by Beijing’s top official for SARs affairs are: “the institutional advantage of the ‘One country, two systems’ principle; sufficient development space; a highly internationalized business environment; a strong economic foundation; a unique blend of Chinese and Western cultural characteristics; and a traditionalist passion of patriotism and loyalty.”
Ho said the new direction of the SAR’s development includes both culture and the Portuguese language, adding that the direction echoes the construction of this international metropolis.
The city’s leader highlighted the importance that the SAR has always given to the Portuguese language and culture.
During his seven-day visit, Xia engaged in a series of activities aimed at gaining a comprehensive understanding of Macau’s social, economic and cultural landscape.
Accompanied by government officials, he met with delegates to the National People’s Congress, members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and representatives from various associations, discussing social affairs in Macau.
One of the highlights of Xia’s visit was his exploration of youth entrepreneurship in Macau, and included inspections of Macau’s large-scale infrastructure projects.
According to a government statement, “Xia also put forward the vivid metaphor that Macau is the apple of the country’s eye.”
“Macau’s important status is self-evident,” the CE remarked.
Yesterday morning on the last stop of his visit, Xia visited the Macao East Asian Games Dome and nearby Athletes Training and Development Centre.
At the Macao East Asian Games Dome, Xia visited the sports venues and exhibition facilities, where he was briefed by the director of the Sports Bureau, Pun Weng Kun, on the various functions of the facilities, their typical usage, and the preparations regarding the Macau venues for the 15th National Games.
Afterwards, he went to the Athletes Training and Development Centre, where he toured the various training facilities and gained insights into the selection system and training methods for elite athletes.
Meanwhile, at the press conference, Ho was asked about the SAR government’s shortcomings, which Xia noted, and said there are several areas for improvement.
For example, citizens are dissatisfied with the traffic because roads are narrow and the traffic congested.
“The government is aware of the problem,” said Ho.
It is also said Xia “saw and heard it” in Macau, and some people reported it to him.
Therefore, the government will work on the shortcomings, adding that it will do its best in administrative management.
Meanwhile, the Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Raimundo do Rosário, emphasized the importance of the central authorities’ support in establishing a solid foundation for Macau’s status as an international metropolis.
The transport and public works team of the MSAR Government pledged to leverage all advantages provided by the central authorities to enhance Macau’s infrastructure and development.
In addition, Ho said the central government does not intend to hand over the 106 square kilometers of Hengqin to Macau.
However, he said Hengqin has been handed over to Macau in terms of concept, use and direction.
When asked about tourism cooperation with neighboring regions, Ho said he will cooperate with Hong Kong, Guangdong Province and other cities in the mainland. Staff Reporter
CE re-run not on agenda
Asked whether he would re-run as the Chief Executive as his term ends this year, Ho said they did not talk about the work related to the replacement of the Chief Executive during Xia’s inspection in the SAR.
According to Ho, Macau is currently carrying out the Chief Executive Election in accordance with the arrangements laid out in the Chief Executive Election Law.
The procedures for registration of members of the election committee were not discussed, so there was no discussion on relevant issues.
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