China and Brazil discuss cooperation

The Prime Minister of China Li Keqiang will present a list of nearly 60 investment projects involving construction of infrastructure and industrial facilities in Brazil, reported Brazilian newspaper Valor Económico.
The energy sector appears to be the main recipient of investment, with projects valued at almost USD33 billion, which include the second phase of construction of the transmission lines of Belo Monte and two power plants; one hydroelectric and one thermoelectric.
The Brazilians, in turn, are interested in the development of railways, and the nine projects under review amounted to investments of US$16 billion and include a line between Vitória (Espírito Santo state) and Rio de Janeiro and sections of railway in the state of Mato Grosso to link the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, via Peru.
On this visit, Li Keqiang will visit Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile between 18 and 26 May, according to information released in Beijing by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  MDT/Macauhub

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