Clinic license suspended until December 8

The license of the TaivexMalo Day Hospital has been suspended by the Health Bureau for a total of 90 days, until December 8, the bureau announced in a dispatch to the Official Gazette. It is the second time in two years that the license has been suspended.

The license suspension means that the medical facility must cease operating. The reason behind the suspension is unclear, as the medical service regulator has not given an explanation as to the grounds on which the suspension was implemented.

About two years ago, the medical facility was also suspended, after it was found to be offering illegal reproductive services, as well as the sale and smuggling of cancer medication.

According to the regulator’s report from that time, it was possible to realize that “no biological material of fertility (embryos and gametes) was detected” in several clinics, with TaivexMalo being one of them.

However, the investigation two years ago convinced the authorities of the existence of such practices at the medical facility. It was ordered to close for a period of six months.

It was also found by the regulator that certain equipment and facilities in the hospital were below the required hygiene and safety standards for medical establishments.

The dental clinic, which was then a separate entity but located at the same venue, was forced to close, although no breach of law had been found in the department.

Two years ago, the venue where the hospital was located, the Venetian Macao, asked the medical facility to move out of the property. AL

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