Confirmation with NAT booking links to be sent to entrants

Due to a new measure to be come into force on May 8 which requires quarantined visitors to pay for their own SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid tests (NATs), prospective visitors who have booked their quarantine hotels will receive updated confirmation letters with links for booking the paid tests. The Health Bureau (SSM) pointed out that the new confirmation letters are being sent as of yesterday. After settling the payments, the prospective visitors will need to take a screen shot of the payment confirmation page for boarding facilitation. Incoming students who wish to apply for a discount may do so using the same payment platform. Discounts will be refunded if approved.

Victims of Coloane fire now housed at Ilha Verde relief facility

Victims of Tuesday’s rooftop fire in a low-rise residential building – also known as tong-lau in Cantonese – are  being accommodated temporarily at the Ilha Verde Disaster Relief Center, the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) announced. A total of five victims are currently housed in the facility. The fire damaged some miscellaneous items and pieces of furniture but did not cause any injuries or deaths. Preliminary investigations of the Fire Services Bureau (CB) pointed to a short circuit in an extension socket as the source of the blaze.

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