Courts | Man lost Macau residency upon obtaining Tongan nationality

citizen of Tonga, the Polynesian country and archipelago, who was born on the Chinese mainland and who lived in Macau for 10 consecutive years has had his Macau residency revoked by the Court of Second Instance.

According to a statement released by the Court, the person lived permanently in Macau between 1983 and 1993. In 2015, the person applied for a residency certificate from the Identification  Services Bureau, but the bureau did not issue the certificate because the person did not have proof that he still held his Chinese nationality in 2015.

The person then appealed to the administrative court.

According to the court’s ruling, the person had to provide proof that he was still a Chinese citizen in 2015 when he was applying for Macau residency. The court said that there were records showing that the person was already holding Tongan nationality, and according to Chinese law, the person’s Chinese nationality was lost the moment he obtained his Tongan nationality.

The person appealed to the Court of Second Instance. The Court completely agreed with the decision of the administrative court, citing the abovementioned reason for rejecting the person’s appeal. JZ

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