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Two detainees at the Macau Prison (EPM) were found in possession of a mobile phone through which they were giving orders to a third party. The two were caught by the police and are now in preventive custody while they await trial.

The information was released at a press conference held by the Judiciary Police (PJ) late last week, where they also announced the arrest of the group’s third member during an anti-crime operation.

In response to the situation, the Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak has issued a statement instructing the Correctional Services Bureau (DSC) and the PJ to investigate the origin of the mobile phone and how it had illegally entered the prison.

The Secretary for Security also ordered a review of the prison’s inspection and security measures to prevent prisoners smuggling prohibited items. 
In the same statement, Wong also “called for measures to be taken to fill gaps in working procedures as well as in the operations of the monitoring and control of prisoners in order to combat all illegal activities in a serious and effective manner by reinforcing the security control of cell areas.”
The statement added that any DSC personnel found to be involved in the case will be prosecuted according to the law.

“If it involves any infraction or illegality, accountable to the staff, the Bureau will reprimand them severely according to the Law, not tolerating the existence of any black sheep,” it read.

Although internal investigations have not yet yielded results, Wong has also called on all DSC staff to be aware of the multiple factors influencing the EPM’s internal and external security and stability, in order to effectively ensure that staff carry out their duties correctly and manage the cells properly.

In another press statement, the DSC said it will proceed to follow the Secretary’s orders to review its security measures, and has incorporated new technology – such as signal jamming – into existing systems.

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