Crime | PSP prostitution raid finds illegal immigrant in Iao Hon

According to information released by the Public Security Police Force (PSP) in press conference yesterday afternoon, a police raid in the Iao Hon area on Sunday uncovered the case of a 40-year-
old Vietnamese national that had allegedly entered the territory illegally.
The police operation, which was intended as part of a broader crackdown on street prostitution, arrested a total of 15 women, 11 from Mainland China and 4 from Vietnam, with ages ranging between 26 and 51 years old, that were allegedly practicing prostitution on several streets in that area of the city.
Among them was the 40-year-old female Vietnamese national who is believed to have come to Macau illegally.
PSP preliminary investigations did not manage to establish any relationship between them. The same authority said that they were searching for clients individually or in small groups and by their own volition.
Beside the woman detained on suspicion of having entered Macau illegally, another woman was taken into custody due to the expiration of her visa, which has meant she has overstayed the period for which she was permitted to remain in the MSAR.   RM

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