CRIME | Security guard caught stealing from museum

The Judiciary Police (PJ) has taken a 27-year-old security guard from the mainland into custody after he was alleged to have stolen money from the safety deposit box of the Macau Maritime Museum.
The authorities received a report at around midday yesterday from the museum, claiming that they realized the sum, totaling around MOP30,000, went missing from their safety deposit box between February 19 and 21, while clearing it as part of their weekly routine. The PJ spokesperson said that according to the procedure, all revenue is put inside the upper drawer of the safety box at the end of the day. After the drawer is closed, the mechanisms of the box will allow the money to drop into a lower drawer.
Only the senior managing staff of the museum have the key to the lower drawer while the key to the upper draw is kept by the security guard who is on duty that day.
After investigating and reviewing the surveillance footage, PJ targeted a security guard and asked him to assist in their investigation. PJ said that the guard has admitted to stealing the money by jamming the door between the two drawers in the safety deposit box with a leaflet from the museum. After the door was jammed, the money in the upper drawer could not drop to the lower one and the guard could then use the key he kept to open the upper drawer and empty it.
The authorities found a piece of paper that recorded the amount he stole in the suspect’s locker, which matched the record of the museum. The man claimed that he already sent all the money back to mainland China. PJ is charging him with aggravated theft and will hand him over to the Public Prosecutions Office today.
In a separate case, the PJ is looking for the culprit who has damaged the stamp kiosk at Praceta 1 de Outubro twice and purchased more than 4,000 MOP0.5 stamps that haven’t been sold since January last year.
The PJ was approached by the Macau Post on February 18 after the button of the kiosk, which was for selling the MOP0.5 stamp and is now sealed with a metal plate, was damaged twice in this month. The records also showed that the kiosk had sold a total of 4,125 MOP0.5 stamp on two occasions.
It is unclear why the offender, who is still at large, wanted the out-of-print stamps.

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