CRIME | A set of penknives as ‘croupier tools’

A casino dealer was arrested on Sunday for the possession of two prohibited weapons – penknives with blade lengths of 9 and 12 centimeters, the Public Security Police Force (PSP) informed yesterday in press conference.
The police received a call from a citizen, calling them to Rua Central of Areia Preta around 5.30 p.m. saying that there was a suspicious man wandering the street.
As PSP officers arrived at the scene, they found the man and questioned him about his behavior. As his explanation was not convincing, the officers performed a body search, finding the two penknives in one of his pockets.
When questioned about the weapons, the man said he bought them around 3 years ago for MOP400 in a shop of military products.
The man claimed to always carry the knives as they were “essential for the performing of his job.”
Further investigation by the police found that the man was in fact a “croupier” in one of the local casinos, and thus was unable to justify in what way the knives were necessary for performing his job. He was arrested for possession of prohibited weapons and presented to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) yesterday.
In a separate case, the PSP said they arrested a 27-year-­old Macau resident for allegedly employing an illegal worker.
The authorities intercepted the man as he was reentering the territory by the border gate cross-point on Sunday  afternoon.
Questioned by the police, he claimed to be totally unaware that the man he admittedly employed to perform renovation works in one commercial unit was in fact an illegal worker.
The resident said the worker was recommended to him by a friend and there was no reason for suspicion, as his requested salary was equivalent to all the local workers in the field.
He was also presented to MP yesterday, accused of employing the illegal worker.

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