Crime | UM 4-meter high embankment climbed by illegal immigrants

Members of an illegal immigration syndicate, which has recently been busted by the Judiciary Police (PJ), for climbing the four-meter high embankment surrounding the University of Macau (UM) using ropes.
The UM is surrounded by a “moat” that separates the campus area from the Hengqin jurisdiction. The UM campus is administered under Macau law.
The PJ apprehended two Vietnamese suspects and a mainland man, with the latter being an illegal immigrant.
Following its investigation, the law-enforcement entity believes that the syndicate instructed illegal immigrants to swim from the Hengqin side of the river to the UM side. Upon reaching the shore, it is believed they were helped by others in the syndicate to use ropes to climb up the embankment.
The Vietnamese suspects are surnamed Nguyen and Phan, while the mainland Chinese suspect is surnamed Huang. All of them are 29 years old. The former duo was charged with aiding and abetting a criminal offence, while the latter with conducting an illegal immigration operation.
The man confessed that he paid 11,000 Chinese yuan to the syndicate to facilitate the crime. His alleged purpose for travelling to Macau was to gamble in Macau casinos.
It is worth stressing that the suspect from mainland China conducted the same crime on March 2 this year and was arrested. The PJ did not announce how and where the mainland man entered Macau illegally in March.
The success in resolving the case, according to the PJ, relies quite heavily on the collaborative mechanism between Macau and mainland China, which facilitates the local police’s intelligence acquisition and analysis.
It was through the mechanism that the PJ became aware of the syndicate, which mostly consisted of Vietnamese members in the structure. During its investigation, the PJ discovered a woman swimming away from Macau last week at the UM moat. Hours later, the PJ arrested the three suspects. AL

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