CRIME | Zealous police officer insulted after fining smoker

Li, a 53 year-old businessman from Mainland China was the main figure of a somewhat ridiculous situation that occurred on Saturday. Events unfolded in downtown Macau around 9 p.m., when a police officer caught Li throwing a cigarette on the ground.
According to information released by Public Security Police Force (PSP) during a press conference yesterday, when the police officer approached Li to fine him for the illegal act, the man did not respond well to the penalty. In his frustration, Li started to insult the officer.
Although the police officer reportedly asked several times for Li to control his bad language, Li continued his insults, ultimately leading the officer to detain the man. Li was presented to the Public Prosecution Office (MP) where he was charged with aggravated insults to a police officer.
In a separate case, the PJ advised that a local resident was swindled of a total sum of HKD890,000. The resident, a woman aged 52, was introduced to the suspect by a friend. She initially lent the mainland man a sum of HKD220,000 in October 2015 for the purpose of gambling in local casinos. He allegedly lost this money on the gaming tables.
Not happy with the results, the man again approached the woman to borrow more money, this time asking for a sum of HKD670,000.
In order for her to give him the money, the man with the help of the friend, told the woman that he was a highly ranked mainland public official and provided the woman with a document that he claimed to be a property registration in his name.
The woman believed him and handed over the cash which he rapidly gambled and lost in the casinos once more.
After several unsuccessful tries to recover the money, the woman finally decided to file a complaint at the PJ.
The police investigation revealed that both the claim that the man was a high-ranked official, and the property registration document, were fake.
After a few months of searching, the authorities finally intercepted the man, who was then escorted by the police force to the MP, accused of fraud.

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