
DSEDJ announces applications for student loans, scholarships for Portugal

Applications for study grants for tertiary education studies in Portugal as well as for loan grants, under the Higher Education Financing Plan from the Education Fund, will take place from June 3 to 24 this year, the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) announced.

The applications are related to the academic year 2024/2025 and the plan covers not only regular majors but also other higher education courses, from pre-university to doctoral degrees.

Under this Plan, study grants for continuing studies in Portugal aim to support Macau students to pursue their studies in that country, with the grants awarded based on document analysis and a selection exam.
The DSEDJ also said that the loan grants are intended to support students with financial difficulties, with assessment and approval to be made based on the monthly income of the applicant’s household in 2023.

The lists of qualified applicants and conditionally admitted applicants for study grants for studies in Portugal will be published on August 23. Those conditionally admitted must submit the missing documents by August 30.

The list of the selection exam will be published on October 10 and the final results list will be published on November 29, 2024.
The list of results for the loan grant applications will be published on November 8, 2024.

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