Education | Local writers tour schools to share reading experiences

2 FM0324022015Local writers have been touring Macau’s schools to share their experiences of reading and writing with students. Between November 2014 and January this year, local writers were invited by the Macau Foundation and newspaper Macao Daily to give a series of lectures in 16 of the local secondary schools.
The Macau Foundation revealed in a statement that about 3,000 students took part in these lectures, which adds to the existing “Writing Comments about Reading of a Text for Secondary Education Students” contest.
The contest is in its 20th year and aims to pique students’ interest in reading and writing activities.
“The initiative was very well-received by teachers and students and to broaden its scope to include more schools. Organizers intend to promote the same event this year,” a representative from the Macau Foundation said.
Several local writers were invited to give lectures to exchange their reading and writing experiences with students. “This will help broaden their horizons while drawing students’ attention towards Macau’s literature,” they added.

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