Education | MUST student wins national English-speaking contest

A third-year student of the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) won the first prize of a China-wide English-speaking competition.

Winner Cheng Xue-rong is a student of the School of Business of the university, who is currently in his third year of studies.

This edition of the competition started in September last year, attracting approximately 100,000 university students from around the country to compete for the trophy. The competition went through several phases before Cheng brought the prize back home, beating 11 other contestants.

The final was held in March in Hangzhou, and was organized by the China Daily. Its first edition was held in 1996. This year is the 24th edition of the competition.

According to MUST, the competition has long been highly regarded in both China and around the world by educational institutions and government departments. It is the top-tier English competition in China.

Professionals from international institutions, media organizations, foreign embassies and consulates in China, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are invited as jurors at the final.

Apart from Cheng’s success, his instructor in the competition, Dr. John Lei Kai Cheong, assistant professor of the university’s International College, was also awarded first-tier instructor by the competition. Staff Reporter

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