Environment | Single-use plastic bag charge legislation expected in 2019

The Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA) expects to complete legislation for a bill related to charging for single-use plastic shopping bags this year.

Director of DSPA Raymond Tam Wai Man said that DSPA would spend all their efforts to achieve the goal.

DSPA will also promote ceasing the use of bottled water in government department meetings, and will work with the Public Security Police Force to provide reusable water bottles.

According to Tam, DSPA plans to expand the bureau’s electronic waste recycling program to include household appliance recycling. Furthermore, additional recycling spots and recycling schedules will be made for the program.

During a TDM Radio program, Tam called on residents to recycle “Lai See” envelopes, noting that before February 28, DSPA would collect the envelopes across various districts in town.

Additionally, DSPA plans to build a domestic waste recycling center at a construction landfill area. The project is currently being planned.

In 2019, DSPA also plans to launch a subsidy scheme for domestic waste treatment facilities. The relevant administrative regulations are also expected to enter legislative procedures this year.

Until now, more than 260,000 people have participated in DSPA’s plastic reduction activity. 

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