Fire and evacuation drill held at Macau Tower

The Fire Services (CB) yesterday held a fire and evacuation drill with the Macau Tower in order to test the response, coordination and communication capabilities of both parties in the event of an incident. According to a statement issued by the CB, the drill was conducted in a satisfactory manner and its stated objectives were met.

The exercise simulated a fire in a coffee shop on the fourth floor of the Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Center, during which several workers had become injured.

After Macau Tower employees discovered the fire, they called the CB, evacuated employees to the evacuation meeting place and implemented a series of emergency and contingency measures in accordance with the pre-established contingency plan.

Upon receipt of the call, the CB dispatched six emergency vehicles and 24 firefighters to the site to carry out the evacuation and extinguishing works according to the defined plan.

According to the CB statement, the simulation involved the participation of nearly 180 people. After the exercise, both parties held a review meeting and concluded that the simulation had been satisfactory given that all objectives and expected results were achieved. DB

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