
Gambling addiction epidemic: Urgent need for tailored interventions

A recent study by scholars from Macau and mainland universities has shed light on the alarming trend of problem gambling in Macau, Hong Kong and mainland China.

The study, based on data collected from gambling helpline callers between 2015 and 2021, reveals stark differences in the characteristics and struggles of gamblers across the three regions.

It highlights the limited support measures available to gambling addicts in these regions and emphasizes the need for tailored interventions and prevention efforts to address this pressing issue.

A study conducted by professors from Macao Polytechnic University, Macao University of Tourism, and Guangzhou Xinhua University has provided insights into the distressing characteristics of problem gamblers reaching out to helplines in Macau, Hong Kong and mainland China, according to a TDM report.

The study surveyed 943 gamblers seeking assistance through local helplines, with the majority originating from Macau (27.3% from mainland China and 12.3% from Hong Kong).

One of the most concerning trends is the level of debt among problem gamblers. The study revealed 73% of those surveyed were in debt, with 9% having debts exceeding 1 million patacas.

In Macau, 33% of the gamblers had debts exceeding 200,000 patacas, a figure that surpassed those in other gambling regions due to the high minimum bets in Macau casinos.

The situation is even more dire for mainland gamblers, with 16.8% having debts exceeding 1 million patacas and 11% accumulating debts ranging from 501,000 to 1 million patacas. In contrast, more than 23% of Hong Kong gamblers reported debts between 200,000 and 500,000 patacas.

Suicidal ideation is another alarming issue, with 40% of the surveyed gamblers reporting feeling extremely distressed during phone calls, and over 5% admitting to having suicidal thoughts. The study found 10.3% of mainland helpline callers reported suicidal ideation, significantly higher than the percentage of callers in Macau. The researchers emphasized the urgent need to address the high rate of suicidal ideation and implement effective preventive measures.

The scholars emphasized the need for a more tailored approach to gambling helpline services, as researchers uncovered significant regional disparities in caller preferences and accessibility needs.

Data revealed a notably longer history of addiction in Macau, where the average gambler reported eight consecutive years struggling with the problem, yet a sizable 21% of local gamblers expressed openness to seeking treatment – contrasting sharply with close to 60% of those from outside Macau who declined additional assistance, underscoring the importance of considering these differing needs and exploring alternative support options.

The study also highlighted the necessity of cross-border collaboration and establishing financial counseling services beyond just Macau to address the alarmingly high debt levels documented among mainland Chinese gamblers.

It indicated flexible, regionally-customized approaches will be essential to effectively support this diverse population across the three territories.

The study highlighted the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to tackle the growing problem of gambling addiction in Macau, Hong Kong, and mainland China, addressing the unique challenges faced by each region and fostering a collaborative approach to support those affected.

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