GBA Chimelong to build metaverse halls

A Metaverse Super Testing Ground will be constructed and operated by Chimelong Group to display the latest products and achievements of metaverse enterprises; promote collaborative innovation in technology, products, services, and cooperation modes among enterprises; and explore a new mode of technology-empowered industry.

Guided by the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin with financial and policy support, three exhibition halls, occupying 3,000 sqm, will be opened to visitors free of charge. Chimelong Group will also be responsible for tourist diversion, according to a statement issued by the Hengqin government. 

Details were announced by Liu Yang, director of the Cooperation Zone Metaverse Office, at the 2nd Hengqin Metaverse Discovery Road High-Level Seminar held last week at Chimelong International Ocean Resort. 

Su Kun, deputy director of the Cooperation Zone Executive Committee, said the metaverse will boost high-quality development of the four major industries in Hengqin: sci-tech R&D; high-end manufacturing; brand industries like TCM, culture, tourism, convention and exhibition; and modern finance.

Representatives agreed that the Metaverse Super Testing Ground in Hengqin would facilitate the “innovation of related industries and play a role in the long-term development of the industry.”

A metaverse acceleration engine and industrial benchmark will be forged, said Wu Gaobin, secretary general of the Metaverse Committee at the China Association of Private Science & Technology Industrialists. Staff Reporter

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