GEG has titled sponsored the Youth National Education Competition for 14 consecutive years, attracting an accumulated participation of more than 110,000 students from local schools and universities.
Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) strongly believes that “education engenders a strong country” and is amongst the first to promote and sponsor youth national education programs in the city. For 14 consecutive years, GEG has supported the much-applauded GEG Macau Cup – Youth National Education Competition where local youths, as well as GEG’s team members, acquired insights into China’s latest developments and achievements, and develop a strong sense of belonging to the country and its spirit of ‘loving the motherland and loving Macau’. Emphasizing on deepening local students’ knowledge and understanding of Chinese sportsmanship and the country’s outstanding sports achievements, this year’s competition set a new record of attracting the participation of more than 110,000 students from nearly 30 schools.
Students from one of the winning teams, Mr. Steve Ng, Ms. Gloria Jiang and Ms. Annie Che from Pui Ching Middle School, Macau, shared that, during their preparation, they were given the opportunity to learn about China’s sports development and were amazed by the impressive achievements and sportsmanship of national athletes.
Moreover, the competition inspired them to continue to strive for excellence in their studies and to pay attention to the different sports events and happenings, which are important for their social networking and personal development. Furthermore, they gained friendship and experienced the significance of teamwork as highlighted in the Chinese sports spirit.
In addition to the continuous support for the GEG Macau Cup – Youth National Education Competition, GEG also proactively instills a sense of national belonging among its team members and local youth through different programs under the “GEG National Education Series”.

GEG organized an extended seminar and invited experienced guests to share insights over the power of youth to 200 students, YAP members and GEG team members.
In celebration of the centenary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC), GEG recently organized an extended seminar where Ms. Wang Jiangyan, associate professor of The Central Institute of Socialism, and Mr. Xu Qing, former associate professor of The People’s Liberation Army, shared their insights over the power of youth through an in-depth online sharing session and on-site music appreciation respectively. GEG invited over 200 students from local secondary schools, representatives from universities, GEG team members and members of the GEG Youth Achievement Program to participate in the activities, in hopes of encouraging Macau’s next generation to lead the new era by fulfilling their responsibilities and missions to contribute to China’s national rejuvenation.
Participant Sharing
Mr. Allen Ma, a secondary student from Kao Yip Middle School, said, “Young people represents hope and is the driving force of society’s sustainable development.
As Macau’s new generation, we should contribute our youth power and serve the country with our strengths. The sharing has enlightened me and gives me determination to help those in need and contribute to the betterment of mankind.”
Mr. Gary Lao, one of the participating YAP members, believes that GEG provided an informative seminar that allowed them to access national education knowledge outside of classrooms and textbooks.
“I was inspired by the self-strengthening mentality of the CYLC, and will better equip myself and fulfill my civic responsibilities by proactively participating in social affairs and supporting Macau’s integration with the national development.”
Mr. Meng Wong, one of the attending GEG team members, was impressed by the contributions of the CYLC. He said, “Thanks to GEG’s arrangement, the seminar offered me an opportunity to solidify my knowledge of national education and heighten my patriotism.
It also encouraged me to share these gains and reflections with my family and children, thereby passing on the spirit of ‘loving the motherland and loving Macau’ to the future generation.”